Virtual Reality
SULSA can provide access to a Virtual Reality software module on Cell Culture. Co-designed with Merck, the training software provides hands-on experience in a GLP/GMP industrial lab setting and is being delivered to students across our SULSA members.
Sponsored by Merck and in co-development with Edify, SULSA developed an innovative training tool for laboratory skills teaching and training using immersive technologies. This virtualised version of a general biosciences training lab focuses on training staff and students in the Cell Culture process and providing insight into GLP/GMP processes in Industry. This includes the cell culture and cell passaging stages.
The primary users of the virtual environments and processes are students and/or trainees higher and further education institutions, and potentially industry trainees and early career professionals.
How to Access
The training module is available to access via the Edify platform and for SULSA member institutions you can access a licence at no cost until August 2025.
To access please contact