SULSA’s Industry Academia Conference 2023

14-15th November 2023 in the John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh. This two day conference focused on industry engagement, for both collaborative R&D and employability.

IndAc25 will return 28 – 29th October 2025 in Glasgow! Register your interest now. 


View Programme

Our Focus

Day one focused on industry-academia collaboration and day two on employability and skills development

Event Programme

Explore our event programme and learn about the target audience for each day

Skills Workshops

Two online skills workshops will be run after IndAc to reach a wider audience – register for these now!


Registration Now Closed

This conference was open to students and staff from within our 13 SULSA members as well as our external partners in the private and public sector.

Registration is now closed and will re-open for IndAc25 in Spring/Summer 2025

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