This funding aims to foster new collaborative projects across the academic and industrial sector and drive novel and exciting research and innovation. Applications must focus on a topic that belongs to or is for the benefit of life and health sciences with a strong data or digital element.
Scope of Prize
This funding aims to foster new collaborative projects across the academic and industrial sector and drive novel and exciting research and innovation. Applications must focus on a topic that belongs to or is for the benefit of life and health sciences with a strong data or digital element.
Funding can be used for research costs or facilities access, it cannot be used to employ staff. The amount requested must be match-funded through cash or in-kind contributions from industry. Projects should have significant consideration for sustainability post-award and show demonstrable potential for securing further funding. This scheme can be for a new project within a new or existing industry-academia partnership but is not for continued funding of existing projects.
Applicants are encouraged to reach out to innovation centres and similar organisations where appropriate when developing their application.
You can apply for £5,000-15,000 and we hope to award 2-3 projects.
- The lead applicant can be a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher that has secured more than £50,000 in independent research funding (not including fellowship grants) or a Principal Investigator that has secured less than £500,000 of independent research funding.
- There must be an industrial co-applicant with agreed match funding as cash or in-kind contributions. Industrial co-applicants can be from outwith Scotland.
- For applications for the commercialisation of research, an industrial co-applicant is not required, however you must show a strong case of support from a business development specialist.
- Academic applicants from across all 13 of SULSA’s Universities and Research Institutes are eligible to apply.
- All applicants must have at least 12 months remaining on their contract from the application deadline (if this is not the case we will consider applications where a letter from your line manager stating that your contract is likely to be extended)
Funding Information & Conditions
- Projects must have a strong Digital or Data element to them and be in or for the benefit of life and health sciences.
- Match funding from the industry co-applicant can be extended to in-kind contributions, or be a combination of cash and in-kind. In-kind contributions may include consumables, use of lab facilities, or industry staff time.
- Applications that support the development of students, technical or research staff will be looked upon favourably.
- We encourage applications to be multidisciplinary and collaborative. This may include multiple universities (nationally and/or internationally) or engagement with innovation centres or similar external organisations.
- Applicants who are Postdoctoral Researchers must have their application signed by their PI to demonstrate their support.
Additional Information & Key Dates
- Call Opens: Monday 5th of May 2025
- Information Session: Thursday 15th May 2025
- Application Deadline: Monday 7th of July 2025
- Applicants Informed of Outcome: w/c 4th of August 2025
- Funding End Date: 31st of August 2026
Judging Criteria
Applications will be reviewed in two stages, first for scientific quality by a review team comprising experts from across SULSA’s membership, and secondly by The Data Lab for their commercial feasibility. The following will be considered during the review:
- The novelty, innovative nature and need for the project
- Impact and commercial feasibility of project
- The collaborative strength of the project
- Engagement of external organisations and/or development of students or staff
- Potential to leverage further funding
- Sustainable and impactful outcomes
Submitting Your Application
Please submit your application (a single PDF) to at SULSA by 5pm on Monday 7th of July 2025
Notification of Outcome
Successful applications will be notified by email by w/c 4th of August 2025
Payment of Funds
If successful, funds will be transferred to the host institution of the lead acadmic applicant. Funds must be spent within 12 months of the date of transfer. Upon request funds can be divided up between applicant’s host institutions.
Awardee Reporting
You must provide the SULSA administration with project updates and outcomes at 3 months and 12 months post-award. If this project leads to a published article, or leverages grant funding, please contact the SULSA administration to make them aware.
These grants are partly provided by the Scottish Funding Council and must therefore comply with constitute Subsidy Control (previously State Aid).
How to Apply
Details on how to apply will be available on Monday 5th May 2025.
Contact Us
Eligibility Enquiries:
All Other Enquiries and Post-Award Communication: