SULSA Early Career Committee

With representatives from each of SULSA’s 13 members, our Early Career Committee provides a direct line to PhD students, Postdoctoral Researchers and Early Stage PIs to help shape our activities and undertake their own activities to support their professional development.

Do Hyeon Gim

Do Hyeon Gim

DPhil Student in Neuroscience at the University of Aberdeen

Research Interest: Understanding molecular mechanism of neural stem cell development in human brain

Dr Nicola Morrice

Dr Nicola Morrice

Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University of Dundee

Research Interest: Improving treatments for type 2 diabetes and its complications
SULSA Projects: Scotland Responds to Covid-19 Campaign

Yuk Woon Cheung

Yuk Woon Cheung

PhD Student at James Hutton Institute

Research Interest: Understanding and improving potato resistance against diverse range of pathogens through association genetics

Dr Szabolcs Pap

Dr Szabolcs Pap

Water Technologist Researcher at the University of the Highlands and Islands

Research Interest: Materials and separation science; Biochars, Nutrient recovery; Environmental pollution

Liam Butler

Liam Butler

PhD Student at the University of Strathclyde

Research Interest: Cellular and molecular basis of disease

Dr Laurie Smith

Dr Laurie Smith

Lecturer in Pharmaceutical and Forensic Science at Robert Gordon University

Research Interest: Improving contamination control standards within pharmaceutical cleanrooms

Dr Ronnie Mooney

Dr Ronnie Mooney

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of the West of Scotland

Research Interest: Parasitology and microbiology

Jack Allan Cockerill

Jack Allan Cockerill

PhD Student at University of Strathclyde

Research Interest: Identifying peptide inhibitors for the acyltransferase zDHHC-17 to help understand how it regulates cell pathways in pancreatic beta cells and neurons

Dr Kimia Witte

Dr Kimia Witte

Chancellor’s Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde

Research Interest: Mechanobiology, Tissue & Organoid Engineering, Stem Cell, Blood-Brain-Barrier, Synthetic Biology, Microfluidics, Biomaterials

Dr Thomas Adams

Dr Thomas Adams

Postdoctoral Researcher at the James Hutton Institute

Research Interest: Understanding and Improving potato disease resistance

Dr Jennifer Crow

Dr Jennifer Crow

Senior Lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University

Research Interest: Neutrophil biology, onco-immunology, cell dynamics, diet and metabolism

Dr Prosenjit Pal

Dr Prosenjit Pal

Senior Research Associate at the University of Dundee 

Research Interest: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Dr Michael Ross

Dr Michael Ross

Senior PDRA in Algal Biotechnology at Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS-UHI) & Head of the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP)

Research Interest: Algal biotechnology, wastewater treatment, circular economy

Dr Badri Aekbote

Dr Badri Aekbote

Research Associate at the University of Glasgow

Research Interest: Clean-room processing, developing lithography techniques, with micro-nano fabrication, biosensors, mechanobiology and microscopy

Amy Newall

Amy Newall

PhD Student at the University of Edinburgh

Research Interest: Plant photobiology and protein production

Nuruddin Mahadik

Nuruddin Mahadik

PhD Student at Robert Gordon University

Research Interest: Nano based drug delivery systems, development of multi-target treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

Meng Wu

Meng Wu

CDT SuMMeR Postgraduate Researcher at Heriot-Watt University 

Research Interest: Fisheries Science, Data Science and Energy Transition Engineering for Fishing Activities  

Dr Timothy Humpton

Dr Timothy Humpton

Reader in Biological and Biomedical Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University

Research Interest: Targeting cancer-associated pathways in Western diet-induced liver disease

Dr Lucas Frungillo

Dr Lucas Frungillo

BBSRC Discovery Fellow at the University of Edinburgh

Research Interest: Molecular mechanisms underlying control of nutrient assimilation in plants

Iona Campbell

Iona Campbell

PhD Student at the University of Strathclyde

Research Interest: Impact of S-acylation on the trafficking of transmembrane proteins in the secretory pathway

“SULSA has been an invaluable resource for me as I start my own independent research career. I was fortunate to be a recipient of the ‘SULSA Innovation Seed Fund Award’ which has enabled myself as an early career lecturer and PI to establish my first independent collaboration with industry. SULSA have also provided me with the opportunity to support the graduate employability masterclasses which are an outstanding resource for life sciences university students in Scotland. Furthermore, they have also given me the opportunity to attend numerous events and it was through networking at one of these events in which I was introduced to my first Ph.D. student.”

Dr Ryan Kean
SULSA ECR Rep, Glasgow Caledonian University

“I am a recipient of the SULSA ScotCHEM Natural Products in the Bio-economy funding grant. Although the project has been delayed due to the pandemic, leading a funding call as a the main PI has been an excellent training process for future grant applications. Moreover, this award has boosted my CV and I am sure will help me in my next career steps as it is important to demonstrate skills on funding acquisition.”

Dr Sylvia Soldatou
SULSA ECR Rep, University of Robert Gordon

“SULSA has provided me with invaluable opportunities and support in recent years. In my role as SULSA ECR representative, I have sat on award and funding panels, been a member of the Disruptive Technologies Conference organising committee, and tweeted about the funding landscape and research activity in Life Sciences across all sectors in Scotland. These experiences have equipped me with vital knowledge, skills, and networks for progressing my career. As a direct result, I have been able to form two new collaborations that each secured SULSA seed funding towards establishing independent lines of research.”

Dr Christine Merrick
SULSA ECR Rep, University of Edinburgh

“I was involved in the launching event of Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet) where I moderated the sessions on “What training do graduates need for a career in NPs”. As an ECR actively working and building a career on natural products research, this networking event has been a great opportunity to meet and interact with scientists from academia and industry based in Scotland who share the same interested in natural products. It has expanded my network and is great to know that there is great potential for future collaborations.”

Dr Sylvia Soldatou
SULSA ECR Rep, University of Robert Gordon

“SULSA has helped me make invaluable connections with others in a number of Scottish Universities’ and ‘I have been supported by SULSA to attend a number of SULSA’s conferences and skills training courses which I found insightful and I would recommend others to attend in the future.”

Dr Gemma Barron
SULSA ECR Rep, University of Robert Gordon

“Inspired by the successful Breaking Barriers in STEM first event, I am currently a member of the Breaking Barriers in STEM: Mental Health & Wellbeing Working Group. Along with other ECRs and senior scientists we aim to identify issues that are jeopardising our wellbeing within academia, and propose solutions. As an advocate of work life balance and prioritising our wellbeing, this opportunity has allowed me to share my thoughts on this matter and to help build a better academic environment for future generations.”

Dr Sylvia Soldatou
SULSA ECR Rep, University of Robert Gordon

“SULSA has provided numerous and impactful ways to create an active network of researchers, especially early career researchers, across Scotland. One of the events SULSA helped me organised was the Infectious Diseases Research Initiative in Scotland (IDRIS) satellite meeting for ECRs working in parasitology. This event attracted over 100 attendees, mostly ECRs, and promoted open and positive discussions about career progression, alternative career paths, as well as lots of networking opportunities.”

Dr Juan F. Quintana
Former SULSA ECR Rep, University of Glasgow
