The following skills workshops are being run to complement our SULSA IndAc Conference 2023
My Consultants: Narrative CVs (Résumé for Researchers)
A Narrative CV (also referred to as Résumé for Researchers) aims to capture individuals varied contributions to research in a narrative format.
UKRI announced they will use Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) as their standard format for assessing track record information. It is a flexible narrative CV template and is designed to help you, or your team, evidence a wider range of skills and experience (than a traditional academic CV) when applying for funding opportunities.
This workshop by Dr Robin Henderson from MyConsultants will:
- Examine how you can identify activities to include within your Narrative CV (recognising these activities may be more varied than on a standard CV)
- Show how to develop the narrative for each module of the Résumé to make sure you effectively let your contributions to research shine through
When: Thursday 30th November 2023 at 10:00 – 12:00
SPRE: Engaging with Policy: Developing a Relational Approach to Policy Impact
The Scottish Parliament Research Exchange (SPRE) is a network that helps Scottish policy officials seek solutions to policy challenges through facilitated engagement with researchers. Join Dr Dave Blackbell, Co-Director or SPRE, for this workshop focusing on tips and tricks on how to engage effectively with policy.
Improving the use of evidence and expertise in public policy is widely and increasingly regarded as imperative to improving policy outcomes. However, implicit within many efforts to facilitate this form of policy influence is a ‘technical’ framing that assumes linearity in research-policy relations, incentivises a narrow instrumental focus on impact, and legitimises notions that researchers can assume value-neutrality.
Many researchers and practitioners have highlighted not only the unattainability of such technical approaches in practice, but also the undesirability of them – emphasising both their ineffectiveness and harms (such as its complicity in (re)producing societal inequalities). Instead, they suggest what can be considered a ‘relational’ framing as a way forward, which embraces the complexity of research-policy relations, centres learning and relationships as impacts in their own right, and places attention on the inseparability of facts and values, particularly through how problems are framed.
This session will provide an overview of these two distinct ways of making sense of research-policy relations, and explore the practical implications of putting relational approaches into practice.
When: Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 13:00 – 16:00