This funding aims to promote mobility between Scotland and European research partners with the aim of strengthening existing, and seeding future, research relationships

Scope of Prize

The Saltire Emerging Researcher Scheme is intended to promote mobility between Scotland and European research partners with the aim of strengthening existing, and seeding future, research relationships.

Exchanges will be expected to take place between January 2022 and the end of July 2022. If awarded, you will form part of the Saltire Emerging Researcher Scheme Alumni and be invited to attend an event with all awardees in Autumn 2022.

SULSA encourages exchanges to have a cross-disciplinary and/or cross-sectoral dimension and consider global challenges aligned with your research. SULSA is looking for applicants to demonstrate an awareness and alignment to Horizon Europe funding and training opportunities in Pillars I and II.

Funding must be used to support Postgraduate or Early Career Researcher exchanges in Scotland, EU Member States, EEA and EFTA countries.

You can apply for up to £10,000 for a maximum of 6 months. Awards will cover the full cost of the exchange, including travel, accommodation, subsistence, and reasonable additional costs arising from Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) considerations.

Funding can be requested for any of the following:

  • 1-way outbound visit (Scotland–Europe) to an academic institution
  • 1-way in inbound visit (Europe – Scotland) to a SULSA member university from an academic institution
  • 2-way exchange between Scotland – Europe between 2 academic institutions

An inbound visit can be applied for by a SULSA member university to host a researcher/technical staff/academic from the countries specified. If a 2-way exchange is applied for we would suggest match funding is sourced.

  • The applicant must be a Postgraduate Researcher and/or Early Career Researcher* currently employed within a SULSA member University
  • Exchanges must take place between Scotland and an EU Member State, EEA or EFTA country
  • Projects may build on, or be extensions to, existing activity or may be new developments
  • Visit must be for a minimum of one month. This can be applied as one extended trip or several smaller visits to accommodate caring commitments
  • A maximum of £10,000 for a 6-month project, we expect the amount requested to reflect the duration with this in mind
  • You must have the application signed off by your PI or equivalent superior
  • Eligible costs are restricted to economy travel with subsistence and accommodation rates limited to the values detailed below**

* The SFC definition of ‘early career’ includes post-graduate students and anyone with a PhD employed as a Researcher, Research Fellow or Lecturer. Promoted staff (Level 9: Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow, or equivalent) are not eligible

** Applications must be costed according to the following guidelines:

  • Air travel is limited to economy
  • Accommodation is limited to £120 per night (for extended trips rented accommodation should be sought)
  • Subsistence will be limited to £60 per day (all receipts must be retained)
  • The exchange must take place by the end of July 2022
  • As an awardee you would be enrolled in the Saltire Emerging Researcher Scheme Alumni and be requested to attend a cohort event later in 2022
  • Any changes to planned exchanges must be approved by SULSA
  • Contingency plans for your exchange, that account for returning COVID-19 restrictions that could impact on your travel, must be considered and outlined in your application
  • An end of project report must be submitted to SULSA within 3 months of the exchange ending
  • Requests for further information on outputs/career progression etc. from the exchange at later dates may be requested by SULSA, and must be provided from the recipient
  • SULSA reserves the right to claw back funds should the grant not be used in accordance with these T&Cs
  • Any unspent funds, must be returned to SULSA
  • Funding must not be used for attendance at conferences, training seminars or similar. You may attend a conference in the country you are visiting but expenses associated with the conference (internal travel, subsistence, conference fees) cannot be claimed
  • Research costs (including reagents, animals, shipping, facility access fees etc.) are not eligible under this scheme
  • Visa costs for incoming or outgoing exchanges/placements will not be covered
Judging Criteria

Funding decisions will be made by the SULSA Executive Committee and will be based on:

  • The mutual benefit across the specified institutions and the overall impact on the research area
  • The multidisciplinary or cross-sectoral element to the proposal and how the research aligns to global challenges
  • Likely benefits to the research of the applicant (i.e. acquisition of new skills and techniques proposed) and that of the wider research group including plans for sharing good practice and KE upon return
  • Wider benefit to your host institution and the wider community, in particular for inbound visits
  • Likely benefits to the longer-term career of the applicant
  • The likelihood of a sustainable relationship with potential further outcomes identified
  • Alignment and awareness of Horizon Europe funding and training opportunities for future career progression and funding
  • Evidence of the ability of the candidate to deliver on the proposed outcomes
  • Sufficient risk mitigation and contingency plan if new travel restrictions emerge
  • Match funding sourced in a 2-way exchange
Additional Information

Coffee Break – Coming Soon!
In October 2021, SULSA will launch our International Coffee Break which aims to drive the establishment of new international networks between Scotland and the rest of Europe. This pilot scheme will build upon the existing Research Innovation Scotland Coffee Break incentive and will focus on driving connectivity between Scotland and two key bilateral partners for the Scottish Government, France and Germany. Climate Emergency will be the focus of connectivity under this incentive.

Submitting Your Application
Please submit your application (merged into a single PDF) to at SULSA by Sunday 31st October 2021

Notification of Outcome
Successful applications will be notified by email before Friday 19th November 2021

Payment of Funds
If successful, funds will be transferred to your Institution. Funds must be spent by 31st July 2022

A short report (2 pages A4) must be submitted to SULSA within three months of the exchange. You must provide the SULSA administration with project updates and outcomes when requested for reporting purposes. If this project leads to a published article, or leverages grant funding, please contact the SULSA administration to make them aware.

How to Apply