This funding call aims to enable facility managers to enhance the capabilities of their systems through hardware and software upgrades.

Scope of Prize

To support our Microscopy Facilities in Scotland and the excellent research they enable, we are running a second round of our Microscopy Facility Funding Call. This fund supports the enhancement of capabilities within microscope facilities.

Successful applications will clearly show how this enhancement will directly impact specific research outputs. You can apply for up to £15,000 on enhancements on hardware or software. Applications will be viewed favourably if they can show how members from other SULSA Universities will benefit from this enhancement.



  • The lead applicant must work within the facility i.e. facility manager or technician.
  • The lead facility must be open-access, meaning that anyone from any University can access this equipment. We expect that facilities will charge for the use of this equipment.
  • All applicants must be employed within a SULSA member university.


  • Demonstration of the benefit for Universities out-with your own.
  • Ability to show how this funding could leverage further investment.
Funding Information & Conditions
  • Up to £15,000 is available per application. The SULSA award is for the purchasing of new equipment (hardware or software) and should enhance capability, not be for the maintenance or upkeep of equipment.
  • Between 1 – 3 projects will be awarded, depending on the amount requested for suitable applications.
  • We expect that funds will be awarded in February/March 2022.
  • Funds will be awarded to the lead applicant’s institution.
  • Updates on the collaboration will be provided to SULSA as and when requested. SULSA reserves the right to clawback funds not used in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • A short report (template will be provided) to be submitted to SULSA after the collaboration project has ended summarising the outputs. Industry partners must agree to this prior to the award being funded.
Additional Information

Judging Criteria

  • The novelty, innovative nature and need for the enhancement
  • The impact of the potential research outputs
  • Discount received from the providing company
  • Potential to leverage further funding
  • Sustainability plan for the continued upkeep or development of the equipment requested
  • Engagement with the wider Scottish Microscopy Community and other SULSA member Universities

Submitting Your Application

Please submit your application (all documents merged into a single PDF) to jill.inkster@glasgow.ac.uk at SULSA by 5pm on Monday 7th February 2022.

Notification of Outcome

Successful applications will be notified by email.

Payment of Funds

If successful, funds will be transferred to your lead Institution. Funds must be spent within 12 months of the date of transfer. Upon request funds can be divided up between applicant’s host insititutions.

You must provide the SULSA administration with project updates and outcomes when requested for reporting purposes. If this project leads to a published article, or leverages grant funding, please contact the SULSA administration to make them aware.


How to Apply