IndAc 2023 Programme

Explore the IndAc2023 Programme!

Day one focused on industry-academia collaboration with ample opportunities to network with commercially minded academics, industry open to collaboration and organisations that can support.

Day two focused on employability and skills development and run similar to a recruitment fair providing the chance for talented and proactive undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff to network with life sciences employers.

Day 1 – Tuesday 14th November 2023

Target Audience: Researchers considering (or in the early stages of) industry-collaboration or commercialisation | PhD Students, Researchers, Technicians and Professional Staff within Universities | Industry looking to collaborate with Academics


9:00am – 9:45am


Registration + Arrival Refreshments


09:45am – 10:00am

Pentlands Suite

Welcome Address

Dr Alison McIntosh, SULSA Director


10:00am – 10:40am

Pentlands Suite

The Art of the Possible

Dr Annya Bruce, University of Edinburgh


10:40am – 11:00am

Pentlands Suite

Interface: Bringing the Right People Together Across Industry and Academia

Amelia Whitelaw, Interface


11:00am – 11:30am

Concourse and Prestonfield

Coffee Break


11:30am – 12:30pm

Pentlands Suite

Panel Session: What Help is Available Along the Way?

Dr Annya Bruce (University of Edinburgh), Kirsty Buchanan (ICURe, Innovate UK), Dr Lissa Herron (Converge), Evelyn McDonald (Scottish EDGE), Frank Tooley (Scottish Enterprise)


12:30pm – 1:45pm

Concourse and Prestonfield

Lunch and Opportunity to Network



1:45pm – 2:45pm

Various Locations

First Breakout Session 

View Breakout Sessions
  1. Lessons learned in Collaborative R&D Biotechnology in Food and Drink
    : David Thomson (Food & Drink Federation Scotland)
    Speakers: Prof. Giovanna Bermano (RGU) and Dr Lynsey Dunbar (IBioIC)
  2. Lessons learned in Collaborative R&D Health Technology
    Chair: Paul Winstanley (CENSIS)
    Speakers: Prof. Alistair Kean (UHI) and Dr Soumya Palliyil (Aberdeen)
  3. Lessons learned in Commercialisation in Health Technology
    Chair: Eleanor Charsley (ABHI)
    Speakers: Dr Ayham Alnabusi (EpitogenX) and Dr Scott Cunningham (Dundee)
  4. Lessons learned in Collab R&D in Treatment of Disease
    Chair: Marian McNeil (Precision Medicine Scotland)
    Speakers: Dr Obinna Ubah (Elasmogen) and Prof. Cherry Wainwright (RGU)
  5. Lessons learned in Commercialisation in Treatment of Disease
    Chair: Dr Chris Van Der Walle (Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult)
    Speakers: Prof. Peter Barlow (Napier) and Prof. Joyce Tait (Edinburgh)

2:45pm – 3:00pm

Comfort Break



3:00pm – 4:00pm

Various Locations

Second Breakout Session 

View Breakout Sessions
  1. Lessons learned in Commercialisation Biotechnology in Food and Drink
    Chair: David Thomson, Food & Drink Federation Scotland
    Speakers: Nik Willoughby (Horizon Proteins) and Dr Rob Hancock (JHI)
  2. Lessons learned in Collab R&D Health Technology
    Chair: Paul Winstanley (CENSIS)
    Speakers: Prof. David Harrison (St Andrews) and Prof. Marc Desmulliez (Medical Device Manufacturing Centre)
  3. Lessons learned in Commercialisation in Health Technology
    Chair: Eleanor Charsley (ABHI)
    Speakers: Dr Stuart Hannah (Microplate Dx) and Dr Eve Hanks (MI:RNA Diagnostics)
  4. Lessons learned in Collab R&D in Treatment of Disease
    Chair: Marian McNeil (Precision Medicine Scotland)
    Speakers: Dr Ryan Kean (GCU) and Prof. Fiona Henriquez-Mui (UWS)
  5. Lessons learned in Commercialisation in Treatment of Disease
    Chair: Dr Chris Van Der Walle (C&GT Catapult)
    Speakers: Prof. Iain Hunter (Strathclyde) and Dr Charlotte Green (Dundee)

4:00pm – 5:00pm


Wine Reception and Event Close

Day 2 – Wednesday 15th November 2023

Target Audience: Students (UG, Masters and PhD) and Postgraduate Researchers interested in career opportunities and building skill sets | Industry and other organisations interested in employing life scientists


9:30am - 10:00am


Registration + Arrival Refreshments


10:00am - 10:30am

Pentlands Suite

Welcome Address

Professor Lynne Cadenhead, Chair of Women’s Enterprise Scotland


10:30am -11:30am

Pentlands Suite

Industry Opportunities

Antibody Analytics, Canon, Curia Global, IPG Health, IQVIA, LifeArc, Merck, Sygnature Discovery, Valneva


11:30am - 12:00pm

Concourse + Prestonfield

Coffee Break | Exhibition Stands

Breaks will include a professional photographer taking headshot images curtesy of SULSA for use in CVs and online profiles


12:00pm - 1:00pm

Pentlands Suite

Post-Academic Careers: Policy, Entrepreneurship, Industry, Research and University Roles

Mark Cook (Scottish Government), Dr Derek Gilchrist (Causeway Therapeutics) , Dr Alicia Greated (Executive Leader), Dr Soumya Palliyil (Head of Scottish Biologics Facility) and Dr Jessica Valli (ESRIC Facility Manager)


1:00pm - 2:15pm

Concourse + Prestonfield

Lunch | Exhibition Stands

Breaks will include a professional photographer taking headshot images curtesy of SULSA for use in CVs and online profiles


2:15pm - 3:15pm

Various Locations

First Workshop Session (Pre-Assigned)

View Workshop Options
  1. Identifying your Transferable Skills
    Robin Henderson, My Consultants
  2. Effective Networking and LinkedIn
    Laurie MchPherson, SkillFluence
  3. CV Tailoring for Industry
    Andrew Lever, Charles River Laboratories
  4. Project Management Through Reflection
    Tobias Thejll-Madsen, PhD Student in Social AI

Check out the additional online workshops we’re running after the conference and register now!


3:15pm - 3:30pm

Comfort Break


3:30pm - 4:30pm

Second Workshop Session (Pre-Assigned)

View Workshop Options
  1. Identifying your Transferable Skills
    Robin Henderson, My Consultants
  2. Effective Networking and LinkedIn
    Laurie MchPherson, SkillFluence
  3. CV Tailoring for Industry
    Andrew Lever, Charles River Laboratories
  4. Project Management Through Reflection
    Tobias Thejll-Madsen, PhD Student in Social AI

Check out the additional online workshops we’re running after the conference and register now!

Our Exhibitors

Registration Now Closed

This conference was open to students and staff from within our 13 SULSA members as well as our external partners in the private and public sector.

Registration is now closed and will re-open for IndAc25 in Spring/Summer 2025

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