Exhibitors and Sponsors
Day One: Wed 25th Sept | Day Two: Thurs 26th Sept
Submit your Exhibitor/Sponsor Form
Check out the two packages below and then submit your completed Exhibitor & Sponsor Form to Jill.Inkster@glasgow.ac.uk
Forms received after 1st August 2019 will still be considered. However, your advert or logo may not appear in the event programme or pop-up banners and as such a discounted rate will be calculated.
Gold Exhibitor Package - £400 (including VAT)
Package includes:
- Two complimentary delegate passes at the two-day conference
- A table and space for a pop-up banner
- Advert/profile and logo featured in the programme brochure and on the conference website
- Recognition as sponsor on social media
- Mention in welcome speech
- Company logo displayed on promotional material around the venue
- Flyer included in delegate package
- 2 x poster presentation submission
Silver Sponsor Package - £200 (including VAT)
Package includes:
- Two complimentary delegate passes at the two-day conference
- Company logo featured in the programme brochure and on the conference website
- Recognition as sponsor on social media
- Company logo displayed on promotional material around the venue
- 2 x poster presentation submission