Antimicrobial Resistance Conference 

Day One: Research | Day Two: Policy


In April 2018, SULSA held a two-day conference focusing on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).  Please use this page to learn more about the conference and explore what we’re doing to continue the momentum.

AMR is a key challenge we are all facing, and our conference was timely as the UK AMR strategy is being refreshed. Connecting individuals across the spectrum of research, human and veterinary health, industry and policy allows Scotland to work collectively to better address the issues surrounding AMR.

One of SULSA’s main aims is to bring the Scottish life sciences research community together, and we believe this conference worked to inform and coordinate fundamental and applied research activity on AMR within SULSA universities and other relevant organisations in Scotland.

To facilitate a more connected, Scottish-wide approach SULSA launched a seed-funding call after the meeting for registered attendees. You can read about the successful projects below.

Conference Brochure

Download the Conference Brochure

Scotland’s War on Germs

Download Scotland’s War on Germs

Conference Report

Download the AMR Conference Report

AMR Consultation

Download the SULSA AMR Consultation

AMR seed Funding

Awarded seed funding projects

AMR Comic

Check out our AMR comic

Speakers Presentations

Check out some of our speaker’s presentations

As a result of the conference, SULSA was shortlisted for the 2018 Public Health England’s Antibiotic Guardian Awards in the research category. These awards champion those organisations and individuals who have demonstrated achievement in tackling antimicrobial resistance at a local, regional or national level.